Eastenders is a television series that began airing in the United Kingdom in 1985. The series tells the stories of families and neighbors living in a fictional residential area in eastern London called Albert Square.

Eastenders is known as a series that includes elements of drama, romance, comedy and crime genres. The series hosted many important events over time. For example, it was one of the first British TV series to tackle societal issues such as HIV/AIDS. In addition, a special episode is filmed each year for the Christmas holidays and these episodes have a large audience in the UK.

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Eastenders has remained popular for many years and is still one of the most loved TV series in the UK. Many famous actors also took part in the series, and some of them reached the peak of their careers here. Eastenders is also known as a series with a worldwide fan base.

EastEnders 12th June 2023

Editör: Haber Merkezi